Photos: Ariel Estulin
Thanks for all the good and icy times at #SOIceFest3!
1. Festival happenings
2. Sponsors and supporters
3. Outland Adventure Gear contest winners
4. Wrap-up and future plans
1. Festival Happenings
Friday evening had folks trickling in from far and wide for a casual meet up and brew before the festival shifted into full gear. Furnace Industries stoked the fire with a showing of Generation Dry, getting us all amped to swing (and hook) tools!
Saturday, despite arriving late from delayed flights our guides were up and early setting up the lines! Thankfully a good overnight freeze brought us a lot of new stable ice to play on, along with a nicely frozen lake! Vendors were able to set up their tents by the climbs this year and the sunshine came out in the afternoon to grace us all with those warm and fuzzy feelings.
The evening started with an amazingly organized dinner selection and staff from the town of Maynooth in the Community Centre! The Arlington then filled up afterwards for another packed year - we had the wonderful Jen Olsen present the movie "Mixtress" with a solid Q&A, and capped the evening off with a rowdy raffle and after party!
Sunday started off with some gnarly weather that set us back in the morning - icy road conditions saw more than a few cars in the ditch. Though a bumpy start, things got rolling quickly and the icy rain ceased! Many walls of ice climbed and rocks scratched ;) .
2. Festival Supporters & Sponsers
SOIceFest has always been entirely supported by generous sponsors and volunteers, and would not be possible otherwise! Our volunteers and guides get up and early before anyone else, donating their time and resources in order to make sure the festival is the best that it could be. Our sponsors provide us with solid footing to run the festival and add some additional excitement with prizes and coverage! We would also like to thank all attendees to the festival as well - it wouldn't happen without ya ;) .
3. Outland Photo Contest Winners!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the photo contest this year - we had a lot of great entries!
This year we split prizes into two categories: judge-voted and Facebook-voted (by you folks).
Without further adieu, here's the winners for (2) new RAB Microlight Jackets from Outland Adventure Gear!
Judge voted: @thecliftonjoel
Facebook voted: @kmagnes
4. Wrap up & Future plans
We've been learning throughout these years and have had the opportunity to smooth out many road bumps, but one remains - the date!
Our season can be temperamental in Southern Ontario, so we are considering pushing the date earlier into the year in order ot have a better margin for reliable ice conditions - but stay tuned for any official news on that, we still need to find a suitable calendar spot :).
If you have comments or ideas, please shoot us a message on Facebook - we greatly appreciate any feedback!
Again, thanks to everyone who made this year such a smashing success :)
- SOIceFest Team